With CONEX, your questions have an answer. Our multi-faceted team combines the expertise required for all customs management needs. With such a team at your side, you can focus on your business while meeting your customs needs.

 Our strength is in the combined talents of our multidisciplinary team,
committed to customer satisfaction and constant progress.


Through our critical and in-depth analysis of EU and national regulatory texts, we understand complex customs-related rules, how their details may impact your business and how they should be applied.  Our team’s constant surveillance of customs laws guarantees that our duty management software is always up-to-date with the ever-changing rules, meaning that you remain compliant.


Whatever your sector of activity, whatever your industry (textile, food and beverages, automobile, energy products…) you name it, we’ve dealt with it! Importers, exporters, forwarders and carriers have all placed their confidence in CONEX expertise to assist them manage their trade needs. Our team is experienced in adapting to the specific profiles of each company, from end to end.


CONEX is a pioneer in the dematerialisation of customs procedures. Whether it concerns business software, databases or transmission and archive platforms, CONEX IT experts provide coherent, state-of-the-art solutions to customs dematerialisation and traceability issues. No IT configuration is too complex for our team, who enjoy the challenge of finding and implementing the right IT solution for your needs: SaaS, on-premises, fully integrated with proprietary software or user-friendly manual interface solutions: the best CONEX solution is the one that’s right for your business.


“When in Rome, do as the Romans”, except when CONEX can do it for you! Cultural and linguistic misunderstandings are common in international trade, which can waste time and create unnecessary problems. At CONEX our team is made up of talents from various continents speaking several languages, providing you with the support you need in our culturally diverse global village.


The requirement to align supply chain and customs data using global standards such as the WCO Data Model, EUCDM and UN/CEFACT Core Component Library and technological advances are fundamentally changing the way information is exchanged. In addition, many customs administrations are migrating from old systems to new to tackle these changes.
This has brought about much uncertainty and complexity for traders around the world.
Technological innovations are at the core of our business and CONEX prides itself with being a leader in secure
B2B and B2G (Business-to-Government) communication. 


Our actions constist of seizing opportunities and positioning CONEX up-stream of European regulatory developments. We analyse the UCC closely  and continually monitor its implementation. Our teams are regularly trained and updated on evolutions to the EUCDM.

The European Commission represents the interests of the European Union in its entirety, proposing new legislation and ensuring that it is applied correctly by Member States. DG TAXUD is responsible for and carries out the Commission’s actions in the areas of Customs and Taxation. Entering into force on 1st May 2016, the Union Customs Code (UCC) provides a comprehensive framework for customs rules and procedures in the EU customs territory. The EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM) is the model for Customs trans-European systems such as NCTS, AES, ICS and for Member States national customs clearance systems: a technical instrument that models the data requirements laid down in EU Customs legislation.

CONEX, REPRESENTING YOUR INTERESTS  Participating at WCO events, with particular interest in international standards and the WCO Data Model. Defending the interests of our clients, the private sector in general and monitor future evolutions.

The World Customs Organisation (WCO) is an international organisation grouping customs administrations from around the world. It is at the origin of certain international trade rules such as the Harmonised System of commodity codes.


CONEX, ACTING FOR THE FUTURE Bringing our expertise to the implementation of the standards of tomorrow. Participating in UN/CEFACT projects such as Data Pipeline and the Single Submission Portal (SSP).

UN/CEFACT, international trade facilitation and dematerialisation organisation. “Simple, Transparent and Effective Processes for Global Commerce.” Its recommendations and standards are available for governments and operators to implement and benefit from.


Irish Revenue conex customsHAND IN HAND Close relationship with IRISH REVENUE regulatory and IT software development teams on current issues such as CDS implementation. Our in-depth understanding of procedures and processes means you receive optimal assistance with your declarative needs.

Irish Tax and Customs responsible for the implementation and enforcement of customs and tax regulations and for the collection of customs duties and taxes in the UK. It ensures that cross-border regulatory procedures are implemented and enforced.


SELIS and CORE are EU-funded research and development projects investigating new and innovative solutions for a collaborative Supply Chain of the future. Working alongside ICT providers, research institutions and supply chain stakeholders from around Europe, CONEX leads the way in the use of international data standards and data pipelines for the facilitation of cross-border movements for legitimate traders. Read more about our actions : SELIS project in the 31st UN/CEFACT Forum




Between a complex but essential mountain to cross on the one hand, and a moving target on the other, CONEX is working hard to enable you to face these coming months in total serenity, sure of a reliable solution in all circumstances.


CONEX has successfully migrated clients for AIS and AES.



CONEX has successfully migrated clients to NCTS5.



From October 2024, advance security declarations will be required for importations from the EU to Great Britain. Conex has been supporting clients with their GB S&S declarations for "RoW" since January 1, 2021, and we are ready for EU to Great Britain deadline.



The SAFE via Conex™ software solution - ICS1 has made it possible to manage advance security declarations for goods imported into the EU since the security regulation came into force 12 years ago. ICS2 is made up of several versions, called Release 1, Release 2 and Release. We are already supporting clients with ICS2 R2 for air movements and ICS2 R3 maritime. We remain on target for various ICS2 R3 modes of transport.





CONEX delivers global solutions which make your organisation more agile.
Our expertise and knowhow mean your peace of mind.


Customs-tailored solutions


Adaptive solution that fits all trade profiles

Customisation you need, we have already implemented

Configurable to your company strategy



Improving information flow along the supply chain through data-entry optimisation and declaration automation


Saving you time and money

Ensuring your compliance

Improving efficiency

Enabling “Just-in-time” capabilities

Making customs clearance a strategy for better return on investment


Cutting-edge solutions that are constantly evolving with your business needs

♦ User-friendly interfaces

♦ Interfaceable with any ERP system

♦ Data and transmission security

♦ SaaS or On-Premises options

♦ Easily integrated into your company IT environment, upstream and downstream

♦ Multiple message formats supported


Global solutions that make your organisation more agile

♦ Mirroring between exports and imports

♦ Automatic declaration scaffolding capability

♦ Real-time tracking of items for Special Procedures

♦ Single data submission for multiple customs formalities

♦ Reporting: KPIs, statistics, extracts…


Solutions you can trust

♦ Autonomous duty calculation capabilities, especially important in the absence CHIEF/CDS calculations

♦ Possible comparison of internal calculations against CHIEF/CDS outputs


Indispensable expertise through a multidisciplinary team

♦ IT knowhow and regulatory knowledge

♦ Real-time personalised support for all our solutions and customs regulations



♦ Customs audit services

♦ AEO status application accompaniment

♦ Administrative procedure assistance


By your side to accompany you throughout your customs projects

♦ Planning

♦ Analysis

♦ Development

♦ Training

♦ Implementation

♦ Support and assistance


Turning regulatory changes into opportunities

♦ Privileged dialogue with customs administrations in the UK, Europe and around the world

♦ Efficient customs surveillance

♦ Keeping you up-to-date with regulatory evolutions

♦ Being astute and savvy means you stay ahead


Our database provides all the data elements you need in one place


♦ UK customs tariff

♦ Regulatory measures

♦ National and EU Additional codes

♦ Codifications: country, currency, incoterms, nature of transaction etc.