Simplified Customs Declaration Procedure (previously CFSP)
SCDP offers authorised traders numerous solutions for the movement of goods across UK borders
→ Simplified Declaration Procedure (SDP) - The Trader submits a simplified frontier declaration (SFD), followed by a supplementary declaration (SD), which must be submitted within the time limit shown in the trader’s authorisation.
→ Entry In the Declarant’s Records (EIDR) - The trader submits an entry into their records, followed by a supplementary declaration (SD) within the time limit shown in the trader’s authorisation.
A Final Supplementary Declaration (FSD) is submitted by the fourth working day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where both EIDR and SDP authorisations are held, the FSD must include the number of declarations for both types of simplified procedures within the same FSD.
→ Accelerated release of goods due to minimal data requirements at the border
→ More efficient management of high workloads when utilising SD
→ The ability to combine SCDP with free circulation and special procedures to suit business needs , such as:
- CW - Customs Warehousing
- IP - Inward Processing
- OPR - Outward Processing Relief
- FZ - Free Zone
- TA - Temporary admission
- Authorised Use (End Use)
→ Electronic submission of declarations to HMRC using the Customs Declaration Service (CDS)
→ Achieving cash flow benefits, as import duty and VAT are suspended until the SD is submitted.
→ A Duty Deferment account for paying import duties and VAT.
→ Building a partnership with HMRC for more efficient and targeted controls.
CUSTOMS via conex™ is the solution!
CUSTOMS via conex™ is a complete SCDP software solution for all your simplified procedures:
♦ SFD - Simplified Frontier Declaration
♦ SDI - Supplementary Declaration Import
♦ SDW - Supplementary Declaration Warehousing
♦ FSD - Final Supplementary Declaration
In addition, our solution seamlessly integrates with NCTS and all types of Special Procedures (Customs Warehousing, IP, OPR, Free Zone, Temporary Admission and Authorised Use (End Use).
Through endless integration possibilities, upstream data can be used to generate your declarations automatically, thanks to our LOGISTICOM: logistics and commercial data structure. Manual data input is also possible, catering for all business operations and work methods.
CUSTOMS via conex™ offers multiple solutions by automatically linking Frontier with Supplementary Declarations.
♦ Automatic calculation of statistical and customs values and management of all override situations deferred payment calculation and tracking.
♦ Seamless integration with Special Procedures (see below for IP, OPR and Customs Warehousing).
♦ Seamless integration with NCTS.
♦ The ability to deal with any combination of Customs Procedure Codes (CPCs).
♦ National and EU Centralised Clearance capabilities.
♦ A continually-updated database that includes customs regulation codes such as CPCs, additional codes, location of the goods, country, currency, incoterm, nature of transaction etc. CDS
♦ Comprehensive configurable master files for declaration pre-filling ease.
♦ Automatic allocation of Declaration Unique Consignment Reference (DUCR) and Master Unique Consignment Reference (MUCR) management. CDS
♦ Guarantee management and tracking. CDS
♦ Coherence control checking on CPC requirements.